Serviços de consultoria

I do freelance and consultancy from time to time. If you are interested, get in touch!

I work mainly (but not only) with:

  • Data collection
  • Data wrangling (estructured and unstructured)
  • Data viz
  • Descriptive statistics
  • Statistical tests
  • Data extaction from databases
  • Model implementation
    • Linear and logistic regressions
    • Clustering
    • Decision trees
  • Exploratory analyses
  • Customized scripts, functions and general help with domain specific packages

I also help writing scientific texts and technical reports, in some cases.

I’m very open to new lines of work and usually talk in an uncompromised manner with people, about how I can help, if possible.

In case you want to get in touch feel free to email me at or by acessing the “contact me” section of this site.